About Us

There are a lot of attorneys who practice family law because they think it is easy. Anyone can handle a divorce or custody case, right?
Wrong. Family law is challenging in every aspect. It implicates nearly every area of the law and is inextricably woven into your daily life. Family law cases are about more than just the outcome; they are about how the process of getting to that outcome affects the rest of your life. Where most legal cases deal exclusively with past events, family law cases are never frozen in time and are often an emotional and logistical roller coaster involving past, present, and future events.
Not every lawyer understands that perspective, but Allison does. Prior to entering law school, Allison worked as an educator in a Montessori setting where, by developing and implementing individualized approaches to maximize each of her student’s educational experience, she discovered her greatest passion: helping others discover how to thrive. Eventually, this passion compelled Allison to pursue a legal career where she could help a greater number of people in a greater number of ways.
Some of the notable points along Allison’s journey to her current position as founder and managing attorney of Boschert Law LLC include:
- Graduating summa cum laude with distinction from the University of Colorado at Boulder with her B.A. in History;
- Earning her American Montessori Society teaching certification from the Montessori Education Center of the Rockies;
- Working as a primary-level Montessori educator for several years prior to entering law school;
- Working as a fully-licensed property and casualty insurance agent to financially prepare for entering law school;
- Clerking in both judicial and private practice positions as a law student, in order to familiarize herself with the law from both sides of the bench; and,
- Earning her Juris Doctor from the University of Colorado Law School, along with a certificate in Juvenile and Family Law, with honors.
Each step in her journey has brought Allison to where she is today: ready to help you embrace your past, present, and future challenges by helping you identity and arrive at an optimal outcome not only in your case, but it your life overall.
Outside of her legal work, Allison remains a devout bookworm whose head can often be found buried in books concerning history, education, and philosophy. She loves baseball, though not nearly as much as her husband does, and also enjoys gardening, cooking, baking, and doing anything artistic. In short, she loves finding beauty and satisfaction in finding a way to create something new out of something old or dull.
Let Allison help you create something new in your life by guiding your through your family law dispute. Schedule your free consultation today.
Bar Admittance and Memberships:
-Colorado, 2014
-Colorado Bar Association (CBA)
-Family Law Section, CBA
– Solo and Small Firm Section, CBA
– Modern Law Practice Initiative, CBA
-Denver Bar Association
-Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts (AFCC), Colorado Chapter
-Metro Denver Interdisciplinary Committee (MDIDC)
-Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chapter of Colorado
-American Montessori Society (AMS)
-University of Colorado, Boulder, B.A., 2003, summa cum laude with distinction
-Montessori Education Center of the Rockies, AMS primary level teaching certification, 2006
-University of Colorado Law School, J.D., 2014, with Certificate in Juvenile and Family Law, with honors
Recently Completed Trainings:
- Allegations of Child Abuse During Child Custody Disputes (January 2021)
- Trauma-Informed Interventions in Parent-Child Contact Cases (January 2021)
- Polyvagal Theory in the Courtroom and Beyond (January 2021)
- Crisis Management for Attorneys (December 2020)
- Divorce. Conflict. Kids: Helping Clients Protect Children Before, During, and After Divorce (December 2020)
- Modern Representation 101 (December 2020)
- Law Firm Cybersecurity in Remote-First World (December 2020)
- Advanced Family Law Conference: Tackling Challenging Issues in Challenging Times (November 2020)
- Working with the Traumatized Client (October 2020)
- Parental Alienation: False Positives and Myriad Concerns (October 2020)
- Rhetoric and and Reason in Parental Alienation Discourse (October 2020)
- Practicing Before Colorado Court of Appeals During COVID-19 (October 2020)
- Evidence in Colorado: A Practical Guide (October 2020)
- Legal Technology: AI & Blockchains (September 2020)
- Why Does Diversity Matter in Family Law?(September 2020)
- Voices or Ghosts? The Place of Children in Parenting Coordination (September 2020)
- Enhancing Efficacious Parenting Coordination (September 2020)
- Solo-Small Firm Annual Institute (September 2020)
- Dropbox for Lawyers (September 2020)
- Effective Use of Parenting Coordination: Considerations for Legal and Mental Health Professionals (August 2020)
- Appellate Practice in Family Law (August 2020)
- Essential Technology and Tools for Law Practices (August 2020)
- Family Law Annual Institute (August 2020)
- Communication Breakdowns (August 2020)
- Opposing the Self-Represented Litigant (August 2020)
- Mediation and Intimate Partner Violence: What the Research Tells Us (August 2020)
- How to Build a Problem-Solving Family Court Within a Traditional Court from Scratch With No Money (August 2020)
- Parenting Coordination in Cases Involving Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) (August 2020)
- Reading Too Much Into It: Paperless Office (July 2020)
- Ethics of Working Remotely (July 2020)
- The Opioid Epidemic and Family Courts (July 2020)
- Innovative Psychojudicial Responses to Resist-Refusal Cases (June 2020)
- Responding to Severe Parent-Child Rejection Cases Without a Parentectomy (June 2020)
- Parental Alienation and Misinformation Proliferation (June 2020)
- Implicit Bias Ethics in the Courtroom (May 2020)
- Ethical Zoom Mediation Training (May 2020)
- Concepts, Controversies, and Conundrums of Parent-Child Contact Problems (May 2020)
- Comprehensive Parenting Coordination and Decision-Maker Training (March 2020)
- Common Law Marriage in Colorado (February 2020)
- Technology & Business Planning for Your Law Firm (February 2020)
- Rule 16.2: Fifteen Years Later (February 2020)
- Toward a Trauma-Responsive System of Justice: Untangling Trauma from Drama (December 2019)
- Understanding Parent-Child Interactional Assessments (November 2019)
- Children’s Out of Court Statements (October 2019)
- Family Law Fall Update: Kids and the Courts (October 2019)
- Family Law Annual Institute (October 2019)
- Understanding and Intervening When Children Refuse Parent Contact (October 2019)
- Child Support Update (October 2019)
- Drug Testing Options in Custody Cases (October 2019)
- Divorce and Income Taxes After 2017 Tax Act (September 2019)
- Toxicology and Marijuana 101 (September 2019)
- Getting the Best Evidence for Domestic Violence Cases (June 2019)
- Family Law Basic Skills (May 2019)
- Enforcing Parenting Time (April 2019)
- Addressing Challenging Questions(March 2019)
- National Continuing Legal Education Conference (January 2019)
- New Maintenance Statute (December 2018)
- Appellate Practice Update (December 2018)
- Medical Decision-Making (December 2018)
- Alcohol Abuse: If Once an Addict, Always and Addict? (November 2018)
- Family Law Fall Update 2018: Self-Care, Settlement, Self-Employment and Such! (October 2018)
- Domestic Violence: Family Law (October 2018)
- When a Non-Party is the Problem (October 2018)
- What Can Psychological Testing Reveal About Our Clients and How to Use Clinical Findings in Custody Evaluations (September 2018)
- Family Law Legislative Update (May 2018)
- Relocation and Parental Capacity (May 2018)
- All Dollars are Not Created Equal: A Look at Property That’s Tax Burdened, Hard to Value, Hard to Divide and/or Hard to Liquidate (April 2018)
- Family Law Fall Update: Trial & Tribulations: Preparing for Permanent Orders in Family Law (April 2018)
- Family Law Spring Update: How Changes in the Law Will Affect Your Family Law Practice (April 2018)
- Confluence of Family Law and Bankruptcy (March 2018)
- Advanced Family Law Institute: Tackling Challenging Issues in Challenging Times (March 2018)
- Family Law Basic Skills (March 2018)
- Ethics and Billing Fees (March 2018)
- Family Law and the New Tax Plan (February 2018)
- 25 Cases Every Family Lawyer Should Know (January 2018)
- Family Law Case Law Update (January 2018)